“A successful park design integrates multiple activities and specific ideas to allow for a broader skatepark user group.”

Over the last decade wheeled sports have dramatically changed, with each sport developing its own styles. Skatepark design has had to reflect these changes, we are committed to continually coming up with creative, innovative, and user lead design ideas.

Skateparks often play host to more than four key activities, these user groups each require something different from a design.

– The 3D design process allows us to view many conceptual plans and choose the best option.

– We offer planning services in both 2D and 3D animation.

– Our clients have found our visual 3D output very useful in preparation for funding and planning applications.

The biggest advantage of 3D planning is that it allows us to present designs to both pro riders and local park users for their input. This direct input helps us to create the most exciting and challenging park layout.

“We use the latest design and construction techniques to accurately turn the vision into a reality.”